Saturday, September 27, 2014

autumn leaves

spent the last few days in massachusetts visiting colleges and it was beautiful to see the scenery start turning seasons. it felt like home; i hope i might find myself here a year from today, studying english literature and photographing the beautiful fall colors once more. 

we had a morning adventure on top a mountain.

"It's not what you look at that matters. It's what you see." -Henry David Thoreau 

we even stumbled across an autumn fair. 

i am incredibly proud of the photos from this trip. here's to the hope i get to experience a new england fall many more times. 


p.s. "i think i'll go to boston. i think i'll start a new life." -augustana  


  1. first of all, I love how Augustana lyrics provide the PERFECT parallel to your life, it's giving me chills <3 and second, i am in love with these gorgeous photos. each one, better than the next, they are all so peaceful and refreshing. I love you girl

  2. These are beautiful! I love them all.
