Thursday, July 14, 2016


i was extremely lucky in my first year at wellesley for many reasons. one of the most important pieces of luck i stumbled upon was the counterpoint family. i am proud to be (and not for much longer, with the incoming class of 2020) the youngest member, also known as the counterpoint baby. with these lovely folks, i had many misadventures. i captured some on camera. 

counterpint 2016

senior editors in chief (and my bigs), hanna and cecilia 

cecilia's senior photo shoot, featuring the wonderful olivia and yours truly

"don't leave me!" 

our "walk" around the lake

the l(eg)out team

the edit nerds

editors in chief, 2015-2016

"bet on me"

i love and miss you all so much. i cannot wait for more misadventures with this amazing family. even if i am no longer the baby, but a big sister myself. 

lots of love,

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